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Careers Advice & Guidance

Careers Advice & Guidance

Careers Advice & Guidance

PACA is committed to ensuring all its learners progress onto positive destinations after they complete their studies and provides a programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance to help them make effective career and learning choices.

Careers education is delivered as part of PSHE learning and complemented by relevant assemblies, whole school activities, visits and focus weeks.

At PACA we are committed to ensuring all of our learners progress onto positive destinations after they complete their studies with us. We provide a programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance to help them make effective career and learning choices.

Careers education is delivered as part of PSHCE learning and complemented by relevant assemblies, whole school activities, visits and focus weeks. Careers education aims to help learners’ understand more about themselves, their learning styles, skills and strengths, increase their awareness about opportunities and options in the future but also to equip them with skills for decision making and transition.

In addition, the entrepreneurial attributes of Teamwork, Risk-Taking, Creativity, Problem-Solving, Passion and Determination are embedded across the curriculum to help in develop these traits in students that will prepare them for future studies or the world of work and enterprise.

PACA works with Elev8 Careers, a local social enterprise, to provide independent and impartial careers advice and guidance. In line with statutory government guidance, Careers Advisers are qualified up to Level 7 in careers guidance. They visit the school at least once per week to support students face-to-face with decision making relating to their post 16 and post 18 plans and progression.

There is also lots of information and resources available on their website at as well as their contact details.

Students are helped to prepare for their future in the following ways:

At Key Stage 3 (years 7-9)

  • Careers education and enterprise learning
  • Computer Aided Guidance Programme to assess suitability for different career areas and occupations
  • In Year 9, students are given information, advice and guidance (IAG) about career intentions with a particular focus on choosing options for Key Stage 4
  • There is an Options Evening for parents and carers to find out more about the courses on offer.

At Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11)

  • Careers education and enterprise learning
  • In Year 10, students prepare for the next steps in their education or career choice by learning more about further education options and the world of work
  • In Year 11, students are given information on the courses that are offered in sixth forms and at local colleges for post 16 study. They also receive help with applications and support for college interviews
  • Students  receive assistance in applying for apprenticeships should they wish to
  • Students can speak to the school Careers Adviser to discuss individual plans or the Progression Manager who oversees all aspects of careers and progression.


Of students taking their GCSEs at PACA in the summer of 2019, 99% continued their studies at either a sixth form or further education college. Data published by the Department for Education shows that the percentage of PACA students staying on in education or successfully taking up employment after their GCSEs (99%) is 5% points higher than the latest available Local Authority or national averages. For more information please visit

The academy's PACA 25 scheme helps ensure that we know the percentages of our students that go on to Further Education, Higher Education and employment right through until they are 25. 

Events and activities*

Students have the opportunity to take part in the various events including

  • Be the Change
  • The Unlock programme
  • The Apprenticeship fair, London
  • The Amex National Careers fair
  • Employer relations “speed dating”.

* subject to change due to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions.

Progression Options

In addition to sixth form studies options after Year 11 include:

  • A vocational or work related course at a Further Education or Technical College
  • A land based or animal related course at an Agricultural College
  • A music or performing arts course at a specialist Music college
  • An apprenticeship and continued learning in the workplace
  • Progressing to employment with accredited training 

Building a network of people who could help you

The Aldridge Foundation has launched Aldridge Connect, a free site on the social media platform LinkedIn, which has over 27 million users in the UK and focuses on jobs and careers. Joining can help you grow professional connections in industries that interest you; gives you immediate access to a network of all Aldridge students AND professional companies; and provides help with CVs.

Our Academy Careers Lead is Mr C Hooke. He can be contacted by email or by calling 01273 416300.

If students, parents and carers, teachers, or employers have any comments, feedback, suggestions or would like to get involved in our careers programme please contact our Careers Lead



Useful Websites for Careers Research, Information and Planning

Occupations and Jobs Exploration

CV Builder

Check out Your Skills


University and Higher Education

Local Employment and Job Search for School/College Leavers

 Apprenticeships - Studying in the UK