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Academy Library Staff

Miss Caroline Wheelhouse – Academy Librarian

Available between 10am and 2pm for all library services.

The Academy Library is available to PACA students and staff for:

  • Browsing and borrowing books
  • Returning or renewing books
  • Accessing the Academy computers and network
  • Reading

Year 7, 8 and 9 students have a library session with their English teacher once every fortnight, where they have time to browse the books the library has on offer, read silently, and write a review about books they have finished. 

Every student also has the opportunity to use the library during break time or lunch time, where they can browse at leisure, return or renew their current library books or do their homework. 

All of our students are automatically given a Reading Cloud membership account, and this can also be accessed at home for students to reserve titles from the library catalogue through our Click & Collect service.

Most books in the library are available to borrow for up to 3 weeks.  Students will be given a polite reminders via their Tutor to return any overdue books.  If books are still not returned, a letter will be sent to parents/carers, and any lost or badly damaged books will be need to be replaced.  Miss Wheelhouse will decide if a student account needs to be frozen until the fine is paid or a new copy of the book is provided.


Behaviour in the library

All students are welcome on the understanding that the library is a quiet area where sensible and considerate behaviour is expected at all times. Lesson behaviour policies regarding eating, drinking and the use of mobile phones and other personal audio items are followed at all times.