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Moving on from PACA

Options & Year 11 Pathways

In key stage 4 students are supported by their Tutors and the careers programme to help them decide where they want to move onto once they have finished their GCSEs. 

The document below shows a list of post-16 open events for 2024 entry. More detailed information about each provider can be found on their individual websites or here: What Next Sussex - Get Career Confident

post 16 colleges open evenings 2024.pdf

Most students at PACA decide to carry on with their studies on to sixth form. There are a number of sixth form colleges in Brighton and Hove, some attached to schools and some standalone, offering a range of different types of courses. We recommend that you go to the Open Evenings in the autumn term, have a look round the facilities, meet the teachers and decide with your Parents/Carers and the Academy which route is best going to meet your future ambitions. Our sister school, Brighton Aldridge Community Academy, continues to expand its sixth form offer, including the Aldridge Cricket and Football Academies, as well as the Construction Academy (link: and the digital media courses that many PACA students have joined in recent years.

Some students decide they want to move into an apprenticeship or some other form of vocational training where you are partly in employment and partly still in education or training. The careers guidance team at the Academy will be able to help you apply for the right placement for you.

A few of our students are interested in setting up their own business or working as freelancers. We have business pods and some on-site support to help students get started, as well as a network of alumni and other contacts to help find an appropriate mentor.