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Arts & Photography

In years 7 ,8 and 9 we cover all the main skill areas such as: drawing, painting, mixed media and printing every year, we also aim to cover various forms of 3D development in clay, wire or card as well as some photography and textiles to build up knowledge and experience. We support the processes and techniques being learnt by looking at the work of various modern and traditional artists. Alongside this key artistic language is expressed, identified and explained in detail with examples.

  •  We use a variety of student and teacher exemplar work to show all students what the potential outcome could be like at a variety of levels, in order to promote and help students improve.
  • The start and ends of lessons are often used to recall information from previous lessons or recap information from that lesson.

At GCSE the students start off teacher led whereby it is modelled how to create the most successful project, again recapping how to best use a wide variety of techniques or media. Slowly the students are given more independence in their learning and can start to make their projects more personal- e.g. choosing their own artists to work from.

In all year groups, we routinely use questioning and set annotation tasks to check on and develop use of artistic language and understanding.

You can see an overview of our arts and photography curriculum here and more detail on the topics studied in each year group here.

Below is a video of our latest GCSE Art and Photography exhibition 


 This exhibition included some great work from local primary schools:




We also invite Y6 students from local schools to take part in Art workshops during the term. This gives Y6s a chance to experience high school learning before they transition into Y7. Here are some photos and work from our latest workshop with Mile Oak School. 


Results are consistently amongst the best at GCSE for art and photography.  With open plan teaching spaces, an art gallery and access to specialist facilities, there is nothing our students can’t achieve. There are multiple clubs on offer after school including: KS3 Art Club, KS4 Photoshoot Club as well as extra support sessions for Yr11 Art & Photography.

Classwork is supplemented with trips and onsite workshops that have recently included:

  • Tate Modern
  • Pallant House Gallery
  • Printmaking workshops with Brighton University
  • Visiting Artist workshops
  • Photoshoot Workshops 

It’s a really creative school and encourages students to achieve their potential and to help them pursue their dreams. They also have so many clubs to get involved in its unbelievable! 

PACA Student




In Photography we cover a wide range of digital and manual techniques. This course is suited to creative students who thrive independently and who want to learn a number of skills.

The course is solely based on Digital Photography in which Photoshop is at the heart and cameras are recommended but are not essential.

Photography has been a popular choice at the Academy since its introduction several years ago. We are proud of the results achieved by our students and the high standard set. We hope you enjoy looking through our gallery at our fantastic past and present work.

Once again this year our GCSE students have produced some stunning pieces for their art and photography work.

Our Art Department has a great reputation locally and this year's students have certainly lived up to this high standard.

We hold an exhibition of all work each year for parents, students and staff to attend and view all the amazing work which our students have created.


 GCSE Art 




 GCSE Photography